The 2017 “Highly Commended” award goes to “All Dressed And Ready For Church” by photographer Carl Henry, who snapped the shot in the British South Atlantic territory of South Georgia. Perhaps the pack of pious penguins were expecting some of those legendary loaves and fishes… especially the latter. Bless their hearts!
Where there’s a wildebeest, there’s a way and where there are many of them, there’s a photo opportunity. Kudos to Jean Jacques Alcalay, who “herd” there were some uniquely amusing “Animal Encounters” worth snapping. This one won him a share of the coveted “Highly Commended” award in the 2017 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards competition.
Born to be wild-life. “Monkey-Escape” by photographer Katy Laveck-Foster earned a share of the “Highly Commended” award but one wonders… did Laveck-Foster ever make it back to civilization after the mischievous macaques pulled a Ferris Bueller parking lot attendant routine on her? Just run the bike in reverse for a while, Katy, the rental agency won’t suspect a thing.
Why I otter… this “Cheering Sea Otter” from photographer Penny Palmer must not be a Browns fan but he/she does have something to celebrate: Palmer won a “Highly Commended” award for her photo of the enthusiastic marine mammal.
“Don’t sit down, Mom!… and by the way, we’re out of Charmin.” This charming photo of a creative polar bear cub “Hitching A Ride” on Mom’s Taxi garnered photographer Daisy Gilardini a welcome share of the “Highly Commended” award for 2017.