Swell Shell: Stepped-On Snail’s Surgery A Success



In the event, the operation to repair the gastropod’s shell was an unqualified success! Nonplussed by all the attention, the restored garden snail (named “Chevi” by clinic staff, by the way) is now an outpatient of sorts. He’s enjoying his recovery inside a private plastic portable terrarium stocked with fresh vegetables – and protected from blundering bipeds. What more could a stalk-eyed critter ask for?


At press time, staff at the HaClinica Animal Hospital are monitoring Chevi’s progress and will continue to do so for several more weeks or months. Once they’re sure his shell is strong enough to withstand the rigors of life in the wild, he’ll be released back into his original rescuer’s garden. No doubt she’ll be stepping more carefully in the future! (via WENN and From The Grapevine)