Viral Fashion: The Nets-Men Mosquito Net Suit

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The Nets-Men Mosquito Net Suit from Japan’s BIBI LAB is designed to protect wearers of any gender from mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue fever. nets-men mosquito net suit 9

The suit is marketed under the BIBI LAB brand, one of eleven brands under the Be-s Co., Ltd. corporate umbrella. BIBI LAB’s mission is the creation of “unique items for daily life”. While working, playing and otherwise going about one’s business in a form-fitting suit made of mosquito netting might seem strange, it also just might become much more commonplace as Dengue fever and other mosquito-borne diseases continue to spread into new regions far beyond their origin.

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Also known as Breakbone fever due to the debilitating joint and muscle pains that are one of its main symptoms, Dengue fever is a viral illness transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The disease originated in forested regions of Africa but increased trade during the Middle Ages allowed mosquitoes to spread the virus to the world’s tropics. Since the Second World War, Dengue fever has spread alarmingly and recently countries such as Japan are experiencing a steep rise in cases.

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Public concern over the spread of Dengue fever in Japan prompted Hayato Kawase, brand manager and product planner at BIBI LAB, to begin developing a protective suit that could stop mosquitoes from biting while still allowing wearers to exercise the full range of movement required in daily life – a tall order to be sure.

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The result is the “Nets-Men” Mosquito Net Suit, a lightweight netted jumpsuit sold under the BIBI LAB brand from July 2015. The Nets-Men suit covers and protects the wearers entire body from head to toe, though zippers at the neck, wrists and ankles allow for practical flexibility depending on the environment and/or if detailed work, gardening etc is to be performed.