Mystery of the Turquoise Cat: What Caused This Color Change?

The Green Cat is Back

Passersby were more than a little taken aback by the sight of a bright turquoise cat, so thoroughly dyed in such a strikingly unnatural shade that it seemed like someone intentionally transformed its fur. In fact, concerned about animal cruelty, residents of the city of Varna in Bulgaria even set up a Facebook group to catch the suspected culprits.

The Green Cat is Back

The Green Cat is Back

The truth is surprisingly simple, though there’s still some question over whether the cat’s health could be affected by its unnatural hue. As it turns out, the adorable little creature dubbed ‘Fiona’ by locals has taken to sleeping in a pile of powdered green paint at a local garage.

The Green Cat is Back

The paint likely spread the color all over the cat’s coat as she groomed herself, making its way to virtually every square inch of the animal’s body.

The Green Cat is Back

So far, nobody has been able to get close enough to the cat to inspect her for adverse effects, but it doesn’t seem as if ingesting potential toxic pigments would be good for her. Pictured beside Fiona, showing the contrast, is an orange male cat said to be her progeny.

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