Supplanted: 8 Overgrown & Abandoned Greenhouses

Supplanted: 8 Overgrown & Abandoned Greenhouses
Once aglow with life and light, these 8 abandoned greenhouses now languish in a decaying limbo where the only bright sparkle comes from scattered broken glass.

A Greenhouse Goes In Brooklyn

Supplanted: 8 Overgrown & Abandoned Greenhouses(images via: H.L.I.T. and vige)

For well over a century, the McGovern-Weir greenhouse has occupied the corner of 5th and 25th Streets in Brooklyn’s Greenwood heights neighborhood. Perhaps the business’s proximity to the main entrance of historic Green-Wood Cemetery helped it thrive for so many years. All good things must come to an end, as they say in the cemetery biz, and the McGovern-Weir greenhouse is no different: despite being declared an NYC landmark in 1982, it just wasn’t viable economically in the modern age.

Critical Massachusetts

Supplanted: 8 Overgrown & Abandoned Greenhouses(image via: Liza)

An abandoned greenhouse looks even drearier when you schedule your photo-documenting trip for an overcast day in November – and that’s just what this intrepid photographer has done! No doubt North Cambridge, MA is an otherwise cheerful place to live, work and play but this spooky old & busted greenhouse obviously didn’t get the memo.

Forlorn in Forli

Supplanted: 8 Overgrown & Abandoned Greenhouses(image via: Alessio Di Leo)

A drone comes in handy when you’re exploring a massive abandoned greenhouse like the one above, located in Forli, Italy. The shot highlights one of the most daunting aspects of owning, operating and maintaining a viable greenhouse: they have MANY panes of clear glass and/or plastic that are easily damaged and demand immediate replacement. All hail… no wait, that’s not a good idea!