Reindeer Sculpture Crocheted from 2,000 Plastic Bags

Crochet Plastic Bag Reindeer

This beautiful reindeer sculpture was crocheted from thousands of plastic bags. Australian designer Angela van Boxtel took a waste material that causes major damage to the environment and wildlife and turned it into something truly beautiful to raise awareness about reuse and recycling.

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For better or worse, the Christmas season involves a whole lot of shopping, and for most people, that means accumulating dozens upon dozens of these single-use, petroleum-based bags. Sadly, these non-biodegradable bags cause the death of untold numbers of animals each year.

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Van Boxtel’s sculpture represents a Christmas wish for no more plastic bags. The artist built a wire frame, fused gray shopping bags together to create the body and wrapped it in a beautiful lace-inspired casing of crocheted white plastic bags.

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The sculpture stands in a shopping area in Australia to remind shoppers to keep the environment in mind and choose reusable bags instead of plastic.