Stunning Shattered Glass Animals by Marta Klonowska

Shattered Glass Animal Sculptures 1

Artist Marta Klonowska carefully assembles thousands of razor-sharp shards of shattered glass into beautiful animal sculptures full of vitality and movement. Beginning with a metal frame and a net mesh outline, Klonowska adds the colorful shards one by one, creating textures reminiscent of fur.

Shattered Glass Animal Sculptures 2

Shattered Glass Animal Sculptures 3

Shattered Glass Animal Sculptures 4

The Polish artist takes each of her animal forms from paintings by artists like Peter Paul Rubens and Francisco de Goya. Re-imagined in three dimensions, an unusual medium, and often monochromatic color schemes, these animals are given new life.

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In gallery settings, Klonowska’s sculptures are often displayed beside the paintings that inspired them. See more photos at Lorch + Seidel Contemporary.