Surreal Floating Earth Art by Cornelia Konrads

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Snowballs, stones, branches and heavy logs appear to float in mid-air, with gravity seemingly loosening its grip upon the earth, in surreal earth art installations by Cornelia Konrads. The German artist creates these site-specific temporary sculptures using found local materials.

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The items manipulated by Konrads seem to be in the process of moving, whether rising up into the sky to fly away, or coming down to form artificial structures like pyramids and arches. This floating creates tension through an expectation that something more is about to occur.

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In addition to these works of art that are found out in nature, Konrads produces surreal sculptures, like metal pillars on a building that are inexplicably tied in knots.

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See more of Konrads’ art on her website, and experience what it’s like to view one of her spectacular floating earth art installations in 360 degrees at

[via This is Colossal]