Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders

Adirondack Chair Squirrel Feeder

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(images via: Bird-House-Bath, Hiatt Manufacturing and Doctors Foster and Smith)

Many squirrel feeders are modeled after bird feeders but not this one: the Adirondack Chair Squirrel Feeder is an outstanding way to offer squirrels food in a comfortable sit-down setting. Crafted from metal and powder-coated in a number of appealing shades, the Adirondack Chair Squirrel Feeder is the perfect seed seat for satisfying both the squirrels’ appetites and your hunger for amusement.

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(image via: Bird-House-Bath)

If you love the Adirondack Chair Squirrel Feeder, you’ll swoon over the Adirondack Porch Swing Squirrel Feeder! Not only does it sway with each passing breeze whether it’s occupied or not, the design holds three cobs of corn allowing you to watch longer before attaching refills.

Dalek Squirrel Feeder

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(images via: Associated Newspapers Ltd)

Extermin-NUT? Ex-Squirrel-inate? Leave it to those wacky Brits to design a squirrel feeder that would give even the toughest alien Dalek nightmares: squirrels go right for the nuts! UK sci-fi fan and Doctor Who prop collector Chris Balcombe fashioned the seed stuffed cyborg from a Dalek toy. Balcombe engineered the former fearsome foe of The Doctor to dispense peanuts to any squirrel brave enough to seek them out.

Squirrel-Under-Glass Feeder

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(images via: Birds & Blooms)

Squirrels will gladly hunt for food and eat outdoors no matter what the weather but, as crafty craftsman James M. of Manor, Texas has observed, “They seem to like being able to feed where it’s dry.” An added benefit of an enclosed, weatherproof feeder is that the food stays dry. Moldy food is about as appetizing as it looks, not to mention being unhealthy.

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(image via: The Squirrel Site)

Living life in the fishbowl doesn’t faze squirrels as long as there’s plenty of edibles inside. You do your part and they’ll be more than happy to do theirs!

Alligator Squirrel Feeder

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(images via: Birding Depot and Hello Birds)

Why design a squirrel feeder to look like an alligator? Why not! This four-foot-long cedar alligator holds one ear of corn with a 3″ screw. The manufacturer of the Alligator Squirrel Feeder advises purchasers to “Feed squirrels near trees or bushes, if possible. This gives the squirrel a quick way to escape if he/she should become frightened for some reason.” Like, say, should a four-foot-long alligator suddenly appear.

Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders
Nuts To Them! 8 Brilliant Backyard Squirrel Feeders(image via: Archie McPhee Seattle)

Feeding squirrels and other types of urban wildlife isn’t always appreciated or recommended by nature-lovers, since being “wild” means not having to depend on people for food, shelter and other necessities. As with all things, however, moderation is the key – many of these creatures have adapted to rubbing shoulders with humans anyway. Be nice but be reasonable and the squirrels (even zombie squirrels) will thank you!