POP Culture! Colorful Canopy Made from Plastic Bottles


Plastic bottles aren’t exactly beautiful. While a good percentage of them get recycled these days, far too many end up littering streets and fields, floating in the ocean or just sitting in landfills for decades on end. So when artists, architects and crafters manage to turn them into something that is both useful and aesthetically pleasing, it’s always noteworthy. Designer Garth Britzman created this beautiful canopy with reclaimed soda bottles and colored water.


Filling each bottle with just a little bit of colored water highlights the star shapes on the bottom, creating an interesting pattern in shades of blue, green and yellow.



Installed in Lincoln, Nebraska, the canopy functions both as a refuge from the sun and a beautiful public art piece. (POP)culture is made of over 1,500 recycled plastic soda bottles.



“This project reused recycled soda bottles as a canopy under which a small park is created,” says Britzman. “An intriguing environment is created where one can explore the surface qualities of the bottles at eye level. Additionally, this project sought to stimulate creative alternatives for recycling and reusing materials.”