Fur Bidden: 10 Notable ‘No Animals’ Allowed Signs

Trunk History

Fur Bidden: 10 Notable ‘No Animals’ Allowed Signs

Circus’s ain’t what they used to be – not that there’s anything wrong with that – but changing the public’s perception isn’t an easy task. The sign above aims to help change the conversation while throwing some passive-aggressive shade on the competition. On (big) top of that, they think the word “circus” is so nice they make a point to say it twice. (image via thinkpublic)

Herring Of Grievances

Fur Bidden: 10 Notable ‘No Animals’ Allowed Signs

English hikers have one less thing to worry about now that fish have been banned from the scenic tow paths. Birds, bees and beasts are still allowed, one assumes, so be sure to finish your fish & chips BEFORE lacing ’em up for a wilderness walkabout. We’ll take this as a “net win”. (image via Trevor King)

Salty Dog

Fur Bidden: 10 Notable ‘No Animals’ Allowed Signs

We can only assume that Wet Dog Smell is particularly abhorred in Greece. Hey, it’s not exactly acceptable anywhere else but at least we don’t erect signs to prevent it. On the flip side, the expected rise in sea level due to global warming is only going to reduce our furry friends’ freedom to roam. Sad! (image via Tilemahos Efthimiadis)

Henpecked Ducks

Fur Bidden: 10 Notable ‘No Animals’ Allowed Signs

As G_d is our witness, we thought chickens could swim – evidently we (and Mr Carlson) thought wrong! In any case, authorities at the avian-exclusionary El Cajon Yacht Club do not want waterlogged fowl er, fouling the pristine waters of the Gillespie Field Duck Pond. Why? Just beak cause. (image via el cajon yacht club)

The French Mistake

Fur Bidden: 10 Notable ‘No Animals’ Allowed Signs

Flying down to Rio? Better book a local pet hotel for Fifi since Brazilians care not for posh permed poodles and other carefully coiffed canines of the “doodle” persuasion. Yeah, that’s a LOT of folks biased against foofoo fur babies but that’s just how they roll down in snooty São Paulo. (image via metal-dog)

Like animals but wish they would stay in their lane? Check out Eclectic Avenue: 10 Weird Animal Crossing Signs!